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Who are the Governors?
The Governing Body is made up of representatives from the school staff, local education authority and parents. Other members of the community are co-opted because they have relevant skills and experience.
At Shirenewton Primary School the Governing Body consists of the head teacher, parent governors, governors appointed by the Local Education Authority, staff governors and community governors. The current members of the Governing Body are listed below.
What do Governors do?
Governors work together with the head teacher and staff of the school to make sure that the school provides successful teaching and learning for your children.
Governing Bodies exist so that schools are publicly accountable to local people for what they do, for the results they achieve, and for the way in which the resources are allocated. The role of the Governing Body is to provide support and strategic leadership rather than to manage the day-to-day operation of the school.
Among the things the Governing Body do are:
Recruitment and selection of staff
Make sure the national curriculum is taught
Monitor and review the school's progress
Agree the aims and values of the school
Agree policies relating to the aims, purposes and practices of the school
Approve and monitor the allocation and expenditure of the school budget
Ensure individual pupils needs are met, including special needs
Give parents information about the school
Support the day-to-day operational decisions taken by the head teacher
How do the Governors Govern?
Governors have to:
Attend meetings and committees.
Visit the school to collect first-hand evidence
Present information to parents and receive their responses
Attend training courses and receive information so that they are aware of developments in education and changes in the law which affect schools
Set pay for and review the performance of the head teacher
Help to develop and monitor the annual School Improvement Plan
Participate in the inspection of the school and draw up an action plan in response to the inspection report
The current members of the Governing Body are:
Mr N. Penn​ - Headteacher
Mrs J. Eickhoff - Community Governor and Chair
Mr J. Goddard - LA Governor
Mrs G. Watson - LA Governor
TBC – LA Governor
Mr D. Harris - Parent Governor
Mrs E Nigogosian - Parent Governor
Mrs H. Whittell - Parent Governor
Mrs L. Williams - Parent Governor
Mrs V MacManus - Community Governor
Mr P. Morcombe - Community Governor
Mr M John - Community Governor
Mrs S. Burbidge - Teacher governor
Mrs G Partridge - Support Staff Governor
More Information
The minutes of all meetings of the Governing Body and its committees are available to parents at the school.
More information about how the Governing Body is organised can be found in the School Governors Handbook. If you would like a copy of the handbook then please send an email to shirenewtonprimary@monmouthshire.gov.uk