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The PTA are a voluntary organisation who work on behalf of the school in their spare time, organising and running fun events for you and your children to participate in. At the same time as raising money for the school.

What we do

  • Summer fayre

  • Quiz nights

  • School discos

  • Hog roast

  • Christmas fayre


We also provide the refreshments at other, school/teacher run events such as plays, concerts and sports days.


All the money raised goes straight back into the school to help pay for books, decoration, classroom facilities, playground equipment and much, much more.

But, we can't continue without you, the parents.  Without your help, many of the activities could not take place, resulting in less enrichment for the children and less money for the school.


So please, if you have time to spare, even if its just one afternoon to help set up an event, or a couple of hours to help run a stall....please offer your services.

PTA meetings take place once a month, in school. All new faces and  all new ideas gladly welcomed. Please get involved with your schools PTA...we can't exist without YOU!

Click on the icons to follow us and keep up to date

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  • Facebook Social Icon
PTA Accounts
Treasurer's report
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Click on the link on the right to buy name labels for clothing, shoes, bags etc.

Shirenewton Primary School,
NP16 6RN
01291 641774/641989

Cymraeg Campus Silver.jfif
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