Shirenewton Primary School
Ysgol Gynradd Shirenewton
"Learning Together | Achieving for Life"
"Dysgu Gyda'n Gilydd | Cyflawni am Oes"
Our Vision
Learning Together ... we aim to develop into creative and enterprising individuals who, through a wealth of exciting experiences and challenges in a vibrant learning environment, develop into respectful and inquisitive learners who care about the local community, Wales and the wider world.
Achieving for Life ... we aim to become happy and confident, well rounded individuals who have a life-long love of learning, realising our true potential.
We will do this by showing ...
Kindness, Honesty, Respectfulness, Fairness, Co-operation & Perseverance
Ethos and Values
We aim to give your child the best possible start to their educational career. We provide a warm, secure and stimulating environment. Children feel valued and respected and in return are taught to value and respect themselves and others.
The Governing Body of the school has worked tirelessly in its efforts to provide a high quality team of people who have the responsibility to care for and educate your child. Working alongside the Headteacher, the Governors have appointed hard working staff to meet the needs of the school and the community it serves.
Members of the teaching staff are highly motivated and professional in their duties to the children. They are supported in school by a team of dedicated and well trained Learning Support Assistants. The good work is started at Breakfast Club, continued through lunchtime by the efforts of the midday supervisors who liaise closely with staff for the benefit of the children and is on-going through the After School Clubs.
An essential element to the school’s continuing success is the support it receives from parents. Through mutual trust and respect, the staff, Governors and parents work closely together. In this way, we achieve a unity of purpose.
Throughout the handbook there are examples of the aims, objectives and expectations we have of ourselves, your child and all those involved in school.
How the Vision and Values Are Maintained
The vision and values are embraced throughout school life and integrated within the ethos of the school. Communication with all stakeholders is the key to success.
We employ a range of methods to maintain good communications for all those who work in and for the school, including verbal, written and questionnaires.
Verbal methods include face to face meetings and telephone calls with staff, Governors, Head Teacher and PTA in both formal and informal settings.
Written communication is through the Headteacher's weekly newsletters, other letters concerning specific issues, notes in the home reading log book, email, twitter, the school website, reports, posters and our messaging service 'Schoop'.
Questionnaires are used on different occasions throughout the year with all concerned to ascertain views and opinions on a range of issues.
Feedback is regularly provided on specific issues ensuring all parties are kept fully informed of developments throughout the year.
We aim to involve all stakeholders, including the children, in the decision making process. We believe all pupils should be fully involved in this process and we operate highly successful pupil committees; School Council, Eco Committee, Healthy Schools Committee, Digital Leaders, Community Ambassadors, Criw Cymraeg, Sports Ambassadors & Pupil Leadership Team. Children vote for their class representatives annually and they, in turn, ensure they give credence to the wishes and aspirations of the class. Project Management experiences also ensure pupils' leadership skills are developed. This provides valuable experience in becoming responsible citizens of the future.
To provide a safe, happy and secure environment where all children feel valued, experience success and are able to achieve their full potential, regardless of their differences.
To enhance a learning community where everyone works in partnership to develop an ethos of care, respect and consideration for each other and where the views of the individual are encouraged and respected.
To be at the heart of the community and a place where children learn to be caring, responsible citizens with a growing awareness of health and well being and the importance of environmental sustainability.
To be a school where the highest standards of achievement and behaviour are expected and celebrated.
To provide a varied, balanced and evolving curriculum that celebrates individuals' learning styles, talents and interests, whilst promoting stimulating, lively, enquiring minds and a natural curiosity about the world in which they live.
To allow individuals to develop their confidence and self discipline, in order to become independent, reflective learners and thus initiate a lifelong love of learning
Dyma'r STAFF yn ein ysgol
At Shirenewton Primary we rely on our experienced and caring staff to provide the best possible learning environment for your child.
Leadership Team
Headteacher - Nick Penn
Deputy Head & Professional Learning Lead - Daniel Lloyd
Curriculum Lead & Acting Additional Learning Needs Coordinator - Sarah Burbidge
School Support Officer
Mrs Partridge
Tim Coed Coch
Mrs Burgham Reception Teacher
Mrs Brace Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Prosser-Davies Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Morcombe Learning Support Assistant & ELSA
Miss Symons Year 1 Teacher
Mrs Topley Learning Support Assistant
Tim Helyg
Mrs Burbidge Year 2 Teacher
Mrs Burgess Learning Support Assistant
Miss Orchard Learning Support Assistant
Miss Minett Year 3 Teacher
Tim Derwen
Miss Whelan Year 4 Teacher
Mrs Burbidge Year 5 Teacher
Tim Collen
Mrs Graham Year 6 Teacher
Mrs Purnell Learning Support Assistant
PPA Cover
Mrs Denne
Owen Lennon
Caretakers & Lunchtime Staff
Neal Reynolds Caretaker
Mrs Jones Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Hodges Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Arnold Lunchtime Supervisor
Catering Staff
Mrs Cole & Mrs Webber